Braces_Girl_3.jpgAt what age should a child have an orthodontic examination and why are children being evaluated at such a young age?

Age 7 is the recommended age to see your orthodontist. Early diagnosis and treatment can favorably guide the growth of the jaws and facial muscles; minimizing the need for more complex treatment in the future, and produce a better facial appearance. Approximately 25 % of children require early interceptive orthodontic treatment. It is more common to wait until most of the permanent teeth are erupted before beginning orthodontic treatment.

If your child does not need early Phase I orthodontic treatment, Dr. Foley will observe your child at six month intervals, allowing them to begin treatment at the most beneficial time.

What is the psychological impact of early orthodontic treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment can do wonders for a child's self-esteem during critical developmental years. Appearance has been related to social behaviors and self-expectation. Orthodontic treatment may lessen the likelihood of a child being picked on by other children.

Why is the growth spurt at puberty so important in orthodontics?

This is the time when much development of the face occurs. Treatment at this time allows Dr. Foley to favorably influence the facial profile in a growing child. Once growth of the facial bones is complete, correction of skeletal imbalances usually requires surgery.

At what age is a patient too old for orthodontics?

Age is not a factor. Patients who have teeth and healthy supporting bone are never too old for orthodontic therapy. Advances have made treatment more comfortable and less noticeable. There are small tooth colored brackets that are barely noticeable. Our most recent accomplishment for adults is the Invisalign® system. This consists of a series of clear shell aligners which are virtually invisible.

Is orthodontic treatment expensive and do you accept most insurances?

Orthodontic treatment is very reasonable in cost and the fee is set to include the entire process from start to finish. We are happy to bill all insurance companies which provide orthodontic coverage in their plan, and we offer several payment options for our patients for their convenience. The self-esteem and quality of life that orthodontic treatment brings makes orthodontics a great investment.

What can we expect from your practice?

Our goal is to provide our patients with the highest quality and state-of-the-art orthodontic treatment. We do this in a friendly and relaxed environment and strive to make sure our patients and their families feel comfortable and welcome in our office. We intend for you to have a beautiful and healthy smile that you can be proud of your entire life.